Plumas Lassen administrative study (PLAS): 2009 annual report

Plumas Lassen administrative study (PLAS): 2009 annual report
The Pacific Southwest Region and the Pacific Southwest Research Station agreed in 2002 to jointly develop and fund an administrative study to fill management information needs concerning the relationship between management caused changes in vegetation and their effects on spotted owl habitat and population dynamics. The detailed discussions explaining how this program was started is provided in previous Annual Reports. Copies of previous Annual Reports for this program are available on the Sierra Nevada Research Center web site ( or upon request.
This study is interdisciplinary by design, examining at least five groups of response variables (spotted owls, small mammals, terrestrial birds, vegetation, and fuels conditions) through collaboration between researchers of the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station (PSW) and cooperators from the universities of California, Berkeley and Davis, and the PRBO Conservation Science. The study addresses some of the most significant uncertainties that confound management decisions in the Sierra Nevada today, including in the HFQLG Pilot Project Area. How do old forest-dependent species respond to vegetation management over space and time? Do fuels management approaches effectively address fuels loadings without negatively affecting species viability? How effective are landscape level fuels management strategies in modifying fire behavior and reducing the extent and severity of wildland fire? These and related questions are the focus of the work being done in this study.
Begin Date
Originator Name
USDA Forest Service. Pacific Southwest Research Station, Sierra Nevada Research Center
Global or not applicable
Annual Report, Ecological Restoration, Forest, Plumas National Forest, Vegetation, Wildlife
Resource Type
Update Frequency
Resource Owner

To the owner of Plumas Lassen administrative study (PLAS): 2009 annual report

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