Water quality protection on national forests in the Pacific Southwest Region: Best management practices evaluation program, 2003-2007.

Water quality protection on national forests in the Pacific Southwest Region: Best management practices evaluation program, 2003-2007.
The USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region (USFS) Best Management Practices Evaluation Program (BMPEP) included 2,861 randomly-selected onsite evaluations of Best Management Practice (BMP) implementation and effectiveness between 2003 and 2007. For the 5-year reporting period, 86% of Best Management Practices (BMPs) were rated as implemented and 89% were rated as effective. Among implemented BMPs, 93% were rated effective.
Begin Date
Originator Name
USDA Forest Service. Pacific Southwest Region.
Global or not applicable
Forest Management, USFS, Water quality
Resource Type
Resource Owner

To the owner of Water quality protection on national forests in the Pacific Southwest Region: Best management practices evaluation program, 2003-2007.

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